Head Round face with full cheeks and good breadth of scull with round underlying bone structure. The head should be set on a short thick neck. Nose The nose itself should be short, broad and straight. in profile, a rounded forehead should lead to a short , straight nose with a nose break which is neither too pronounced nor to shallow. Chin A strong firm and deep chin is essential. The bite MUST be level, the tip of the chin to line up with the tip of the nose in the same vertical plane. Ears Small rounded at the tips. Set wide apart fitting into (without distorting) the rounded contour of the head. External ear to be well covered with fur, internal furnishings not to be excessive. Eyes Large, round and well opened. Set wide apart with no tendency to Oriental shape. No squint. Legs & Paws Short, strong legs. Paws round and firm, toes carried close, five on each fore foot (including due claws) and four on each back foot. Tail Should be thick and of medium length, thicker at the base with rounded tip. Coat Must be short, dense and crisp A soft and /or overlong and fluffy coat is incorrect.
Snaut too long
too much pinch
chins: wide high chin
bodies: compact, rounded in proportion with the head
ears: widely set large at the base, rounded head, without stop, just enough pinch, cheakbones transition smoothless
defect ears: not wide at the base
too high and too straight
rabbit ears
too widely set
classic correct typed British shorthair
tails: thick, rounded tip, short tail, without defects